For the first time in 1,5 year I also stayed in my apartment when i was in Lund. Before it was rented out but now empty. A little strange feeling staying here - not spent many nights here since I bought it 2 years ago...
When I returned from Lund I was told I got a new manager and been transferred to a new department. It also "looked good" for staying in China for at least another year. But, two days later all was changed again and I got the information to move back to Sweden when my contract expire end of July.
I had hoped to stay another period in China but this is "business-life" nowadays.
Will miss life in China but will sure be back a few times a year since we have my wife's family here.
Since I have several days saved vacation we will do a lot of travelling during the two months that are remaining. My "dream trip" to Tibet and Lhasa will be the first coming up.....