In Lhasa, "the roof of the world" confrontation between Buddhist Monks and other ethnic Tibetans started on Monday and there have been several violent confrontations with the Chinese security forces during the week. On Friday morning it escalated in a busy market area in Lhasa and in vent into bloody clashes. Tibetan crowds burned shops, cars, military vehicles an at least one tourist bus. Media report at least 10 people killed. Since Saturday morning Chinese armored vehicles were patrolling the center of the city.
Beijing is facing the most serious demonstrations in Tibet since the late 1980s, when it suppressed a rebellion with lethal force that left scores, and possibly hundreds, of ethnic Tibetans dead. The leaders in Beijing is now clearly armed that a wave of negative publicity could disrupt the plans for the Olympics and its hopes that the games will showcase its rising influence and prosperity rather than domestic turmoil.
Thousands of Buddhists in neighboring India and Nepal took to the streets during the weekend in solidarity. Concerned that the protests might spread elsewhere in China the government have been moving the military into other regions with Tibetan populations.
According to people in Lhasa, reached by phone by the media, soldiers have not been allowed to fight backs against Tibetans throwing rocks and several soldiers have been killed. The Tibetans are also beating Chinese residents with irons sticks and burning down their shops.
So, I think we have to cancel or planned trip to Lhasa in May. Tibet will probably by "closed" for a long time now - at least till the Olympics is over.
(facts from US and UK news media on Internet)