But, China still have a LONG way to go! I have stayed here now for almost 1 1/2 year and I can not say that we today live in a more open society. Still Internet is controlled by the government, "blogspot.com" (where I have this site) is closed for viewing in China (which makes it a little difficult to edit and longer between the postings).

Yesterday morning I was watching the news from CNN Asia as usual at breakfast and there was a report about revolt and demonstrations in Lhasa with gunfight and several people dead.
After just some seconds the TV screen went BLACK.... and so it was for some minutes - until the report from Lhasa was finished. The Chinese censorship have struck again. Same thing last night - totally black screen.
So, I tried to go into CNN.com on the Internet but it looks like the words "Tibet" and "Lhasa" is blocked in China.
I believe that China promised to open the society before the Olympics - "One world - one dream".
Now they have less than five months to prove it.....