97 297 400
Number of foreign tourists arriving in China from January to September this year.

66 000 000
Amount in RTMB that the new Bond movie Quantum of Solace brought in at China´s box offices during the opening week.
5 940 000
Number of visitors to Beijing over the National Holiday
Number of visitors to Beijing over the National Holiday
25 000 000
Number of trees cut down every year in China for producing disposable chopsticks...
There is now a "campaign" to B.Y.O pair of shopsticks and carry with you.
230 000
Number of people in Beijing (official number!) living on less than
RMB 390 a month.
5 287
Roasted ducks was sold in one day,on October 2, by the restaurant chain Quanjude Beijing Roast Duck.
Roasted ducks was sold in one day,on October 2, by the restaurant chain Quanjude Beijing Roast Duck.
1 171
people died in traffic accidents during the National Holiday last year.
and in the other end.....
Time in seconds for the elevator at the Park Hyatt in Beijing to go from the 63th floor down to the lobby.
Time in seconds for the elevator at the Park Hyatt in Beijing to go from the 63th floor down to the lobby.