onsdag, september 05, 2007

Big brother is watching

There is a lot in media about China beeing an open country before the Olympics. But there is still a long, long way to go. Almost every day CNN news in TV is censored and You have a black TV screen for some seconds. Blogspot and other blogs are closed down so we can not see what we put on our blogs.
And all these TV and Video cameras everywhere - in streets, shops, stations, trains, buses, elevators, parks ... Yes, they are everywhere!
In Guangzhou, in south China, another 100 000 video cameras are to be installed in public places to a cost of 200 million Yuan. When finished there will be 230 000 cameras in that town. According to the local police, between January and July, the surveillance cameras provided the police with 800 clues which were used to help crack 570 cases...