Sometimes having dinner in a Chinese restaurant can be impossible due to the number of smoking men (not many woman smoke) in the room.
Many restaurants have "non-smoking" room but nobody cares. "I am having my dinner and I do as I want...."
For us having problem with the smoke it have spoiled more than one dinner so now we look for restaurants not so crowded and with some open space.
Chinese people are around 20% of the worlds population - but they smoke 35% off all cigarettes in the world!
Chinese people are around 20% of the worlds population - but they smoke 35% off all cigarettes in the world!
The number of cigarettes smoked in China annually is 2,000,000,000,000.
That is roughly 80 packs per every man, woman and child in China a year. Assuming women and children doesn't smoke ? Then the average Chinese man smokes continuously for about two thirds of the year.....
Every day 80,000 teenagers start smoking in China...