Beijing is a really big city and growing every day. It is
probably the greatest "construction site" in the world.
In central Beijing You can not look in any direction not
finding a building under construction. Every "free space"
is used to build gigantic business or shopping complex.
Today Beijing have just a few subway lines but before 2020
there will be 22 lines and stretch to 561 kilometers. This will
be the largest subway system in the world.
There will also be six underground expressway to ease the traffic
mainly inside the third and second ringroad.
Beijing subway - no scribble in stations or in train.
Much cleaner than the subway in Stockholm!
Some amazing facts about Beijing:
- 15 million people
- 3,9 million tourist per year
- 2,6 million cars
- 60 000 restaurangs!!!
- 16 800 square kilometers (half Belgium)
- 85 000 taxi cars
- 1 600 hutongs