lördag, mars 24, 2007

Flower shopping

It's getting spring here in Beijing! Today we had almost +20 in the middle of the day and we now hope that the long (but not so cold) winter is over. You could see many people today have changed from winter shoes to summer shoes and dressed in spring clothes. It was a very nice day in Beijing and it was also time to buy some new flowers for the apartment. (the old ones did not like the winter either...).Went to "Woman Street Market" and here You can find all what you are looking for.
From small flowers to put in a vase at the table to gigantic threes that you have to rent four people to move....

After a lot of bargain (take your time) we ended up with a big nice flower in a big pot for the floor, two big orchids, one bamboo-tower and two nice "parrot flowers" to put in the vase.
Total bill: 250 RMB.

måndag, mars 19, 2007

Ylva is back in town

My daughter Ylva arrived to Beijing again on Friday so the girls
have been doing a lot of shopping during the weekend.
Sunday dinner at one of our favorite restaurants - Wasabi.
No need for any breakfast today.....

lördag, mars 17, 2007

Dental care

Going to the dentist in nothing You are looking forward to - not even back in Sweden.

Last time I was flying back here to Beijing some peace of parma ham was stucked in my teeth and I used a tooth-pic to get it out. Result - one of my teeth popped out.... An old "gold-jacket" that been sitting there nice and calm for several years...
So, since not going back to Sweden for a while this morning I had to see the Beijing Dental Hospital, located close to our apartment. First impression very good - clean and quite modern equipment. When they X-Rayed my teeth the picture showed up direct in the computer.... showing that the roots of this teeth not filled. So, tomorrow we start the treatment by filling the roots.
This is going to be quite an experience...

onsdag, mars 14, 2007

New favorite - around the corner

Just "around the corner" from our apartment at San Quan we found a new favorite restaurant just before Chinese New Year. It is a Hong Kong style restaurant by the name "Peace Harbor".
The food is Chinese style - but a little different. Most of the food is excellent and the prices are low.
If You stay at Sheraton Great Wall hotel you take to the left, left around the corner, walk two blocks until first "traffic-signs" (opposite the Post Office). Take another left turn och You are there. Try their beef in banana leaf...

söndag, mars 11, 2007

"that's Beijing"

"that's Beijing" in a monthly magazine distributed free in 40 000 copies all over Beijing. You will find it at the service desk in hotels, restaurants, shopping centres and other areas where You find a lot of foreign people (lao wai).
This magazine is a "must" for all who live long time in BJ and could also be interesting for people visiting the city from time to time.
You will find a lot of useful information about Beijing: restaurants, shops, events, services, health and fitness together with many interesting articles about Beijing and the rest of China.
Look for it where You stay next time You are in BJ och ask at Your front desk.

You can also write a mail to distribution@thatsbj.com and ask where the nearest place is where You can get your copy.

lördag, mars 10, 2007

The year of "The Golden Pig"

2007 is the year of the Golden PIG in China and You will see pigs in many different shapes and in many places when You visit the country during this year.
In lunar terms, this is actually the year 4704 or 4705, depending on the source you reference.

If You bare born 1923, 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007 You are lucky to be born during the Pig Year.

Illustration from "that's Beijing". A monthly magasin distributed free
in 44 000 copies around Beijing every month

Pig personality traits
Intellectually curious, honest and tolerant, those born in the Year of the Pig can be relied upon for their loyalty and often make true friends for life.
Like the knights of old, Pigs are often highly regarded for their chivalry and pureness of heart, and will often sacrifice their own well-being for the greater good.
The Pig can be very naive, however, and may easily fall victim to the unscrupulous who take advantage of their idealistic nature - as Pigs see everyone as loyal and caring as they are. Although forced to play the fool many times, they will just as likely hold fast to the notion that everyone is at heart decent and admirable.

, they say, are incredibly like us humans. Quick learners and highly intelligent (ranked forth behind only chimpanzees, dolphins and elephants in animal smart) they form strong social bonds and have complex system of communication via different grunts, oiks and snorts. Their physiology is incredibly similar to ours as well.

In 2007 there will be a big "Baby boom" in China since it is very lucky to be born during the year of the Golden Pig.

söndag, mars 04, 2007

Back in Beijing again - and away

After ten days in Sweden I returned to Beijing this Friday and spend a quite weekend at home. Last night we got 10 cm snow but rain in the morning help to avoid traffic kaos.
Now I am at the airport again - on my way to Zhuhai in southern China.
It is not one of my favorite places but i hope it will be nicer and warmer than in
Beijing and I think that the spring have arrived to this part of China.